The Expo show will take the place of Kane in our line-up for January and February. Many of your other favorite dealers have made plans to be there, too. Should be a great time. We've been hard at work on some lovely furniture, great containers, new framed pieces, smalls and -- our SURPRISE: altered-art trophies, which are featured in this month's issue of Somerset Studio magazine!! We were thrilled to find out that they were accepted for publication. I'll tell you more about that in Monday's post, but we will have the trophies for sale for the first time this weekend. Come check it out. Happy New Year! xo
Editor's Note: I wanted to thank everyone who's read and commented the last several weeks. I totally apologize for not responding; I've been working on the business' year-end books, which sucks up every minute I have! Hope to be back soon. Thanks! xo