Wednesday, July 25, 2012


When did this happen? It used to be that the Eiffel Tower was everywhere. And then one day, it was replaced without comment by the Union Jack. Posters, cups, banners, pillows -- suddenly, we can't get enough of its inherent coolness. I always wonder how this happens. Who decides these things? What an interesting occupation that would be. What would you even call yourself? Does someone start these trends or just spot them? Does anyone out there know? Seriously! I need to be enlightened. But in the meantime, I am lovin' it! 

And I have to say that the whole Union Jack thing started before the Jubilee and the London Olympics. Maybe it was the "Keep Calm and Carry On" phenom that started the ball rolling:

In any case, I will have my DVR fired up for the Opening Ceremony Friday night. What can England pull off to upstage the Chinese magnificence of the last Olympics? I can't wait to find out! And our little Indiana town will be cheering for one of its own, runner Morgan Uceny. How exciting is that? Go, Mo, Go!

We will be bringing some Union Jack handmades to this weekend's Allegan Antique Market. Hope you can join us -- show details are just a click away on our calendar sidebar. Will be posting some pics on Facebook Friday of what we are bringing, so be sure to check those out, along with the photos of our latest Midland finds. Until then, carry on! xo

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