Industrial bolt bins -- again, great for storage; the perfect size for magazines, catalogs, file folders.
The show got off to a fast start Saturday -- many thanks to Lynda for her set-up help -- but slowed by mid-afternoon. Furniture held an early sales lead, but smalls carried the day Saturday. We were psyched to see many of our regulars, but also a few shoppers that we don't see as often. Sunday's pace crept along 'til about 10 a.m., when things began to pick up, but it wasn't 'til the very end of the day that we made our sales goal. Whew.
Some great news spiced things up Sunday morning: Zurkos, the owners of Grayslake, Wheaton and many other shows, will be doing a January and February show in St. Charles on the empty Kane weekend. Yes! We're so excited. Dealers were lining up at the office table to reserve spaces -- sounds like it will be a great show.
This week, we'll get a load ready for Midland, and then head to Burlington for the last outdoor show of the season. The year has blown by! Come and see us -- the weather is supposed to be sunny, but bring your mittens, just in case. xo
Those bolt bins are fantastic!
Thanks, Shannan! xo
AHHHH! That bolt bin with the number 8 on it was what I was looking for at the Sept show. You had other numbers, but didn't think you had an 8. I am guessing it already sold...but I just have to ask anyway. Any chance you still have it??? Fingers crossed...let me know! ~mary~
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