Monday, June 21, 2010

It's 11 a.m.; Do You Know Where Your Money Went?

It's 11 a.m. 93 degrees. Burlington, Kentucky, and I've already had a busy morning: breakfasted, set up the booth, had a decent early buy, chatted with some of my favorite show customers, then...went out shopping. I know it's rough, you weep for me, but what can I say? Shopping's my job. And it's not as easy as it might seem!

I thought it had started out pretty good -- got these fabulous lawn chairs from our excellent neighbors, Bill and Judy Wright (she even threw in the cute red metal R just because she knows we like those!) And two great pull-down French school maps, several cute concrete animals, plus some other odds and ends. But it was getting really hot, and I had kind of stalled out. Maybe a little lunch would help, then I needed to get serious.

Part of the problem was being picky -- I'd seen lots of great furniture, but I was really in the market for smalls, and I wanted something special. We've been making an effort to find more smalls for each show, but getting something fabulous and affordable is not always all that easy. That $47 was burning a hole in my pocket. Found a cute green bread box, as well as a little house that was only $1, but my quarry alluded me. Thought I'd take one more tour through the horse barn before calling it quits.

Bingo. Third booth from the end. Not one. Not two. But SIX turn of the century store mannequins -- albeit in various shades of disrepair -- for a very attractive group price. SOLD! (Although I had to go back and get a little more cash from the Bank of Joe. ) They will be terrific once cleaned up -- come see at Allegan!

Many thanks to all who came out to support the show despite the heat. And a special thanks to everyone who mentioned the blog -- that's always really encouraging! Saturday, we restocked Midland. Now's a great time to stop and see the booth -- and practice your own shopping skills! xo


Junk Girl said...

LOVE the chairs...I have one that is very similar and it is nestled in my family room. Yeah, it should be outside I suppose, but I just had to see and sit in it every day!

I'm going to look around your blog some more...happy day!


Anita said...

um, pull down French maps, you say? Tell me more...