Friday, December 2, 2011

Pipe (Leg Table) Dreams and the Last Kane of the Year

In just a few short years, industrial pieces have gone from easy-to-buy but more selective to sell to the exact opposite -- prices have skyrocketed and finds are in hot demand at all our markets.

Thankfully Joe is a whiz at creative carpentry, allowing us to make some wonderful pieces from parts that we find. Case in point, this great pipe-leg table.

We found the legs on a buying trip a few weeks ago, and Joe remembered that we had a lovely original-paint top from an earlier auction score. What great patina!

A match made in industrial/garden/primitive heaven! The piece would be awesome in a store, as a worktable, in an office, as a many options.

Come visit our dreamy Pipe-Leg Table at the last Kane of the season -- this weekend! Can you believe it!? Where has the year gone? We will also have lots of new furniture, smalls, holiday and handmades. Click on the link in our show sidebar if you need more details. But be sure to join us. See you there. Can't wait!! xo

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