Wheaton Report
Many thanks to all who came out for the Wheaton Antique Market this past weekend. There was a great crowd! We sold most of our furniture and lots of the new smalls our shopping expeditions had turned up. We'll be off for two weeks now, seeing store clients, but will be back to Chicago the first weekend in February. Check back later this week for a look at some of our Chicago clients who are in the news right now.
And speaking of the "news," did you see the new issue of Lucky Magazine? I'm totally intrigued by the leather dye that's featured. Has anyone tried it? I wonder if it looks as good in real life as it does in the magazine...think I might have to give it a whirl! xo
Sooooo Interesting... YOU always come up with funky/unusual things!!!
Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!
loving the new bases! Hope to see you soon in Chi-town, but it may be March...
Yes! I saw the leather dying in Lucky. I was amazed that you could do such a thing (but not tempted to do it myself).
Great globes! I've got a repurposing project up my sleeve involving some vintage yard sticks. Have you got any of the wider ones for sale?
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