Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Editor's Note: Many thanks to all who came out to support us at Allegan, including my husband, Bob, who was playing the part of Joe this weekend. Joe's boys were graduating, so Bob came along to help me for the first time in my 15-year -plus career. We had a great time! Thought I'd let him play guest editor today. xo

Hi I'm Bob, Sandy's husband. Nobody would know this but I once worked at Chicago's Woodfield Mall selling gourmet cookware at Williams Sonoma. The store manager hired me -- not because I knew anything about cookware -- but because she knew I'd be friendly and welcoming to all who came in. That's about the sum total of my skill set.

I do have a few other skills that Sandy values. I can go get coffee and food. I'm also really good at cleaning the undersides of old pieces of furniture and rusty metal things. That said, it was fun to go from my regular work behind-the-scenes ... and get out there where I could welcome and smile at real customers (see previous description of my skills).

Of course, I tried as much as possible never to let Sandy actually leave this booth. That would have left me all alone there... and it would have caused me to radically change all the pricing ... to declare to everyone... that everything was momentarily "free of charge" because the whole selling thing was freaking me out. Then again, having put so much "sweat equity" into rhubarb reign, I now have a better appreciation for assigning some sort of value to what we do.

I also see how demanding it is for Sandy to go through show set-up, show selling and show tear-down. And as always, it stormed and I got REALLY, REALLY WET. Then again, having a good attitude is one of my few skills. So that was okay as we huddled for like two hours in the back of rhubarb reign's trailer.

The only regret to mention here ... isn't mine. I think Sandy still regrets that I didn't work at Williams Sonoma long enough for her to score a huge employee discount on Calphalon cookware. But that's another story.

Last photo is a detail of my favorite piece from this show -- an excellent child's mannequin that we bought last weekend in Ohio. Check back later this week for an update on all things KANE! xo

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