Thursday, February 7, 2013

Great Thoughts; Grayslake Coupon; Expo Report

GREAT THOUGHTS: I had all good intentions Tuesday of blogging about some wonderful articles I had just read on Creativity, John Derian and Chalk Board Artistry. But considering it is now Thursday, time is a-wasting. So I guess all that is gonna have to wait. Sigh.

BUT WE ARE VERY EXCITED THAT GRAYSLAKE IS THIS WEEKEND! Do make plans now to join us. We have a wonderful new load of furniture, an entire van full of excellent smalls from yesterday's treasure hunts, plus prints, paintings, handmades and more. Remember to print this page for HALF-OFF GENERAL ADMISSION. Visit us on Facebook later this week for a peek at what we are bringing. If you need more show information, just click the link in our calendar sidebar to visit the promoter's website.

EXPO REPORT: We were very busy all day Saturday at the DuPage Expo show, getting to see several clients that we have not had the chance to work with for a bit, which is always quite wonderful. Sunday was kind of quiet, but we did some great buying. Many thanks to all who came out to support the show! xo

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