Wednesday, February 27, 2013


KANE: You can keep your ground hogs and San Juan Capistrano swallows -- all Midwest antiquers know the surest sign of spring is the return of the Kane County Flea Market, which happens this Saturday and Sunday, March 2 and 3! Click the link in our show sidebar to visit the promoter's site for more information, and check our Facebook page later this week for a peek at what we are bringing. See you there -- can't wait!

BOOKEND: Wanted to share one of our favorite online reads with you, a must for anyone interested in the creative process, entrepreneurship, blogging, marketing and more. We actually worked with Abby a few years back when we redid our business plan, and she is as awesome and inspiring in person as she is online. She was formerly the owner of a lovely vintage-filled boutique in Ohio, but closed it to pursue her first love, writing. Check her out next time you need a creative pick-me-up. xo

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