We are truly appreciative. Last week, I did my list of personal-but-little-know-facts. Today, I decided to exercise my right to get creative and do things a little differently. I did choose 7 blogs to pass the award on to, but for my other 7 picks, I decided to tell you about some sites I really enjoy on-line, only some of which are blogs:
My friend Heather turned me on to this. (Pun intended, sorry.) You type in the name or names of songs or artists that you enjoy, and the site creates a "radio station" just for you! Love it -- the first 40 hours a month are free. You can upgrade to unlimited, commercial-free listening for $3 a month -- what could be better?!
2. Anthropologie (on-line newsletter)
I accidentally registered for their e-newsletter by not saying "no" at the sales counter one day -- but actually really like it. It's like getting a mini-magazine in my e-mail a couple of times a week. Plus it lists all their sale stuff. Lovely for a girl like me who lives in an Anthro-less state (well, there is one now I guess, but it's all the way down in Indy.)
3. Flowerpatch Farmgirl (Shannon Martin) and Linda Crispell
Two very different, but extremely well written and interesting blogs. Shannon is practically a neighbor and is a customer, but we really got to know each other on-line. She writes with feeling and humor about her family's daily adventures, including their most recent Korean adoption. Linda is a customer from Chicago, an amazing artist, and just moved with her family to China. Her posts from overseas have just started; can't wait to read more about her life there.
4. Papersource and Stampington
Excellent resources for all things creative. The Papersource's flag-ship store was just a few blocks away from my office in Chicago; many a happy and expensive lunch hour was spent there. Three floors of paper, ribbon, stamps and more. At least I can still visit on-line. Stampington is the parent company for the Somerset publications and features a full-line of items -- supplies, kits, books and more -- for the arty girl.
Oregon-based artist Emily Martin is the creative genius behind Inside a Black Apple, which chronicles her adventures and showcases her work. Some Girls Wander is her highly amusing fashion blog.
My friend Joan Babb told me about this visually-stunning Canadian blog. Simple, elegant, beautiful and always interesting.
I first came across Gretchen Rubin when she wrote an article for Real Simple. Her blog is full of first-rate ideas, all about being happier day-to-day. You can just feel how smart she is. Her book came out at the beginning of the year; it was fascinating watching it evolve as one of her Super-Fans, an informal focus group of bloggers. It debuted on the best-seller list, thanks to all the support from her on-line network, an interesting marketing case-study in itself.
I hope you get the chance to visit each of these sites and would love to learn about others that you particularly enjoy. Now, to pass on the awards:
7. 24Seven
I enjoy all the blogs on our roll, so it's hard to pick just 7. I tried to not pick anyone I'd picked before or that I knew had recently received an award. Or that doesn't accept awards. Sorry if memory fails me in any of these instances. So ladies (and gentleman), congratulations! Choose which ever award you prefer, or take them both!
I think I'm actually caught up for the moment! We had a great show at Kane -- thanks to all who came out for their support. Come join us next weekend at Grayslake. Details to follow. xo