Several years ago, two of our favorite Chicago customers, Rich and Laurel
Seidelman, lugged a big old bag of random Christmas tree parts into our booth, thinking that we'd come up with something to do with them -- bless their artsy hearts. After a little head-scratching, a rhubarb reign holiday staple was born: the
repurposed feather tree. We've used all kinds of things for the bases -- lamp parts, stove rollers, croquet mallets and more -- and I'm sad to say that I used the last couple of branches yesterday for an order. Thanks, Rich and Laurel, for thinking of us! Those branches were the start of a lot of fun.

Happily, we've found another tree to work with so the tradition can continue for at least another season. Come see what we have for the holidays starting tomorrow at the Kane County Flea Market! As always, details are just a click away on the show sidebar. In addition to seasonal stuff, we have great furniture, industrial, some wonderful finds from a Wisconsin estate, tons of vintage fabric and LOTS more. It's supposed to be chilly -- that just fits with the holiday spirit -- but sunny. So grab your mittens -- we'll see you there.

A quick congratulations to our friends the
Demiduks on their beautiful wedding last weekend. More on that to come!