One of my all-time favorite movies is the French comedy, "Amelie." If you've never seen it, stop reading immediately and go rent it. Of course, I fully expect you to get back here and finish reading once you're done!

Now that you've seen it, I can share one of my favorite parts -- the depiction of all the quirky little things the characters like or don't that make them, well,
them. Like her father loving to peel long strips of wallpaper. I get that. Although, at the top of my list has to be puttering. Puttering, by my definition, involves working through a long list of chores, but taking as long as you need. Not rushing is the luxury (although I do like to check things off lists...geeky, I know, but you'll understand once you see the movie.)
Puttering is especially joyous when it takes the place of a less exciting task, in today's case, tuckpointing. Both messy and involving standing high up on a ladder...bleck. But the weatherman was helping me out with a little drizzle, so I'm inside, with Starbucks, U2 and scented candles. You know, puttering.
One thing on the list was getting Tuesday's blog post done a day early, which bring me back to writing about rhubarb reign, what I'm supposed to be doing! Thanks to a busy weekend at Kane and Mishawaka Antiques, Joe and I will both be shopping this week, me tomorrow, Joe Wednesday. Good shows are always appreciated, but even more so after an up and down summer (weatherman NOT helping there). Many thanks to all who came out to support both events.

Check back later this week for a Grayslake preview, plus the half-off general admission coupon. We are going to try something new for the holidays at Grayslake-- a vintage wrapping station! Check out our ideas for making your holiday packages extra special. And drop me a note about your favorite little weird things to do! Can't wait to hear! It will make me feel better about sharing mine....xo