Get your New Year off to the right VINTAGE start! Join us for the DuPage Expo Show January 5 and 6. We will have all your favorites -- furniture, artsy smalls, graphics, handmades and more. Show hours are 11 to 5 Saturday and 9 to 3 Sunday. The Expo Center is located on North Avenue in St. Charles, Ill., just across the street from Pheasant Run. Print this page for HALF OFF general admission, too! See you there. xo
P.S. If you need more show information, just click the link in our calendar sidebar to visit the promoter's site.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
I love the lights at Christmas time. I think there is a basic truth revealed in them -- there is something fundamentally comforting about a light shining in the darkness. Jesus came to bring that light, whether to the vast darkness in Newtown, Conn., or that which crouches inside every heart. "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned." Isaiah 9:2. For your share of the celestial light show, all you have to do is believe: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16 This Christmas, let your light shine! Believe. Have a wonderful holiday. xo -- Sandy and Joe
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Wheaton This Saturday
Join us this Saturday for our last show of the season -- the Wheaton Antique Market -- from 8 to 3 at the DuPage County (IL) Fairgrounds. We will have new furniture, great smalls and all the holiday you need for decorating and gift giving! Print the red coupon on this page for HALF-OFF general admission (or show it on your smart phone at the door). Need additional details? Just click the link in our calendar sidebar to visit the promoter's site. See you at Wheaton on Saturday. xo
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Kane Report: Marvelous Megillicutti; Grayslake Coupon
Kane Report: As the calendar slowly but surely turns into December, I find myself with a vague sense of dread growing. Most of this is due to the weather -- the possibility of snow and ice just add another layer of uncertainty to the stratification that always exists in this business. Plus, a number of our show neighbors take the month of December off for various (lame!) reasons, like family commitments. Blah-blah. OK! Just kidding. But we do miss our regular pals for real. While the weather turned out to be reasonably lovely for early December on Kane weekend, we knew we were missing several of our favorite show neighbors. BUT! We couldn't have been happier to have Melissa Parks of Megillicutti fill one of the empty spaces. From the fabulous merch to the fair prices, not to mention the amazingly creative displays, Megillicutti was a big hit. We found ourselves begging Melissa to come back on a regular basis. Plus she, and her helpers*, husband Jerry and son, Davis, were super nice to boot!
Another regular space was ably filled by Judy of the Iowa Junk Gypsies, so all in all, we didn't fare too badly at Kane -- good weather and good neighbors!
Last week, we restocked our space at Mishawaka Antiques. The store looks really lovely. I posted some photos on Facebook so you can take a look. Do stop in -- there are lots of wonderful pieces that would look great under your tree -- or in your living room!
And if you scroll to the bottom of this post, you will find the HALF-OFF general admission for this weekend's Grayslake. Be sure to join us for the last one of the season! As always, I will post some photos on Facebook by Friday so you can take a look at some of the goodies we will be bringing. Can't wait! See you there! xo
P.S. Melissa doesn't have a blog, but you can find her on Facebook -- check the LIKE box on our page.
*Melissa -- Know you had another friend helping, too, but I forgot to ask her name! Sorry. sg
Another regular space was ably filled by Judy of the Iowa Junk Gypsies, so all in all, we didn't fare too badly at Kane -- good weather and good neighbors!
Last week, we restocked our space at Mishawaka Antiques. The store looks really lovely. I posted some photos on Facebook so you can take a look. Do stop in -- there are lots of wonderful pieces that would look great under your tree -- or in your living room!
And if you scroll to the bottom of this post, you will find the HALF-OFF general admission for this weekend's Grayslake. Be sure to join us for the last one of the season! As always, I will post some photos on Facebook by Friday so you can take a look at some of the goodies we will be bringing. Can't wait! See you there! xo
P.S. Melissa doesn't have a blog, but you can find her on Facebook -- check the LIKE box on our page.
*Melissa -- Know you had another friend helping, too, but I forgot to ask her name! Sorry. sg
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Midland, Kane, Expo
I realized the other day that I hadn't talked mentioned Midland on the blog lately -- so, today is the day! If the name isn't familiar to you, "Midland" is Midland Arts and Antiques, located just off of 70 in Indianapolis' historic Lockerbie district. Housed in a wonderful, brick, turn-of-the-(last!) center factory, Midland is home to two floors of awesome antiquing. If you've never been, it is well worth seeing. Midland regularly wins "Best of Indy" awards and is shopped just as regularly by designers, dealers, decorators, celebrities and a host of others who just love its funky mix. We have had our space there now for a number of years. Believe it or not, it used to be the only place we could sell industrial and found on a consistent basis. Since then, Midland has expanded, added a second location in Carmel, just north of Indy, as well as an outpost in NYC.
KANE PREVIEW: I can't believe it is time for the last Kane County Flea Market of the year! Remember, there are no Kanes in January or February, so make plans now to join us this weekend, December 1 and 2. Check Facebook later this week for a peek at what we are bringing. Need show details? Just click the link on the blog's calendar sidebar to visit the promoter's site.
EXPO REPORT: The first DuPage Expo show had a strong crowd of shoppers Saturday until around 2. Sunday was quiet, but we had a larger sale towards the end of the day. Smalls and holiday were the biggest sellers, although we sold all of our small tables, a dresser and a cupboard top by the end of the show. The next Expo show is the first weekend in January. Hope you can join us! xo
EXPO REPORT: The first DuPage Expo show had a strong crowd of shoppers Saturday until around 2. Sunday was quiet, but we had a larger sale towards the end of the day. Smalls and holiday were the biggest sellers, although we sold all of our small tables, a dresser and a cupboard top by the end of the show. The next Expo show is the first weekend in January. Hope you can join us! xo
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Expo Show Season Opener this Weekend!
Be sure your Thanksgiving Weekend plans include a trip to the season opener for the DuPage Expo Show, this Saturday, 11 to 5, and Sunday, 9 to 3. We will have LOTS of wonderful new stuff -- holiday, handmades, furniture and a HUGE load of smalls from last week's buying trip to a rural Ohio farm and small-town antique warehouse. Can't wait for you to see! If you need more show information, just click the link in our calendar sidebar to visit the promoter's site. And remember to print this page (or just call it up on your phone at the show entrance) for HALF-OFF general admission. Have a wonderful holiday -- we are truly thankful for all our customers and friends! And see you at the Expo show. xo
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
At the Newsstand; Grayslake Report
I was so happy to find my old pal Domino at the newsstand the other day! Not to get too excited, however, it is a "classics" issue, i.e. it reuses some old material. But it has a bunch of new stuff too. I enjoyed it and hope they do it again. Our Chicago customer Steve Smock saw me reading it this weekend at Grayslake and reminded me about Domino's online sequel, Lonny. He was kind enough to send me the link for the November issue, so I am going to take a look. But offhand, I never find trying to curl up with my laptop as easy as curling up with good old print! As long as we are on the subject, Graylake turned out to be busy -- lots of shoppers, maybe brought out by the mild weather. Once again, holiday and smalls carried the day. 'Tis the season. We are headed to Sobo in Columbus this weekend, with a stop at Midland in Indy. But here's one more from the newsstand before I head down to the studio to paint -- FreshStyle. Flipped through several holiday publications, but this is the one I bought. Thought it had some cute new ideas! xo
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Grayslake Preview, Kane Report
Be sure your weekend plans include Grayslake! This month's special feature is Holiday Collectibles, just in time for projects, decorating and gift giving. Be sure to print the red Half-Off coupon above and bring it along to save on general admission. For additional show details, click the link in our calendar sidebar. And check us out on Facebook later this week for a peek at what we will be bringing!
Kane proved to be busy, with the sunny (albeit chilly) weather. Smalls and holiday carried the day, although we sold a fair amount of small furniture. Not too many big pieces, though. Many thanks to all who came out to support the show. And we were very excited to get four pieces from Illinois folk artist Casey "Pops" Lewandowski. We have repped Casey's wonderful creations before and were thrilled to sell two right out of the van before we even brought them in to the show! Joe and I both love anything and everything handmade, so it is a real pleasure to rep the work of several talented artists. Send me an email if you have questions about Casey's work. We are thinking of taking the remaining pieces to Midland later this month. xo
Kane proved to be busy, with the sunny (albeit chilly) weather. Smalls and holiday carried the day, although we sold a fair amount of small furniture. Not too many big pieces, though. Many thanks to all who came out to support the show. And we were very excited to get four pieces from Illinois folk artist Casey "Pops" Lewandowski. We have repped Casey's wonderful creations before and were thrilled to sell two right out of the van before we even brought them in to the show! Joe and I both love anything and everything handmade, so it is a real pleasure to rep the work of several talented artists. Send me an email if you have questions about Casey's work. We are thinking of taking the remaining pieces to Midland later this month. xo
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Fall in to Winter; Kane County preview
Sunday we paid a visit to our Columbus (OH) customer and pal Katie Palmer of SoBo Style. Some kids from one of the local high schools had painted the store's windows -- they looked so cute! Love how they incorporated the store's logo into their fall/Halloween theme. But once inside, look out! Katie's elves have been busy -- everywhere you look, there is an awesome holiday vignette. Get ready for the change of seasons! We're getting ready, too. Join us this weekend for Kane County -- and our first round of holiday. If you need show details, just click the link on our sidebar to visit the promoter's site. And check us out on Facebook for a peek at what we'll be bringing. See you this weekend -- and don't forget about the time change! xo
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Bye-bye Burlington!
Many thanks to all who came out to shop the Burlington (KY) Antique Market Sunday. It was great to see so many of our favorite customers! Sorry schedule conflicts have kept us away quite a bit this year. The weather was AWESOME, the food terrific and the bargains plentiful. I was out of cash immediately, the shopping was that good. If you've never been to Burlington, be sure it's on your calendar for next year -- and check it out next week on Market Warriors!
Our super-pal Heather Kramb, Maddie Lisee, joined us for most of the show, adding to the merriment. Her jewelry had gals swarming all day! Check out Heather's blog and etsy shop to see what all the fuss was about.
We restocked at Midland on the way down. Will have some new photos up on Facebook so you can take a peek. Stop in and take a look if you're in Indy. xo
Our super-pal Heather Kramb, Maddie Lisee, joined us for most of the show, adding to the merriment. Her jewelry had gals swarming all day! Check out Heather's blog and etsy shop to see what all the fuss was about.
We restocked at Midland on the way down. Will have some new photos up on Facebook so you can take a peek. Stop in and take a look if you're in Indy. xo
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Burlington Bound
We still can't believe the end of the outdoor season is already here! We will be setting up the tent one last time for the year this Sunday at the Burlington (KY) Antique Market, just outside Cincinnati. If you've never been, it's a terrific place to shop. In fact, the show has been featured this year on "Market Warriors"! If you have been before, then you know what we are talking about. Details are just a click away on our show sidebar. Come join us! xo
PS: Check out our Facebook page later this week for a peek at what we are bringing.
PS: Check out our Facebook page later this week for a peek at what we are bringing.
Friday, October 12, 2012
It's Time for Grayslake!
Join us this weekend for the Grayslake (IL) Antique Market! Print this coupon for HALF-OFF general admission. We have a brand-new load of furniture, tons of wonderful smalls and everything you'll need for fall decorating. Plus, this month's market features the popular show-within-a-show, Vintage Clothing. Just in time for Halloween. Additional details are just a click away on our show sidebar. Make plans now to join us. xo
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Cats, Kane and a Grayslake Preview
If you know my partner Joe at all and have spoken with him recently, you are sure to have heard a story about our shop cat, Tink*. Tink was a stray who adopted us about this time last year, and Joe is smitten! Tink really is a wonderful cat -- handsome and friendly, he has quickly become legend in our small town. So just for fun, our pal, Lynda, decided to make a "litter box cake" to surprise Joe for his birthday when we were in town last weekend for Kane. Made from pudding, cookie crumbs and Tootsie Rolls, it is horrifyingly realistic! She assured us that it was a brand new box, but still, it was hard to get around the visual and dig in. But the cake is the perfect tie-in to the equally horrifying craft book I saw reviewed and was waiting to share -- "Crafting with Cat Hair"! Yikes and double-yikes. Any takers out there?

Back to business! Kane was a wonderful show. Given the bad weather at the past three events, it was terrific to have a great weather weekend for the show, and shoppers were out in droves. Just something about antiquing and fall that go together perfectly. Sales were strong in all categories, and we totally appreciate everyone who came out to support the show.
Next up: Grayslake! Remember that this month will be the popular show within-a-show, Vintage Clothing. I will post the half-off general admission coupon both here and on Facebook Friday. If you need more information about the show, just click the link on our show sidebar to visit the promoter's website. Don't miss it -- it is sure to be the Cat's Meow!! xo
*Technically, this is my cat, Maddie, in the photo! Sorry I don't have a pic of Tink to share. But just ask Joe next time you see him -- there are TONS on his phone. (:
Back to business! Kane was a wonderful show. Given the bad weather at the past three events, it was terrific to have a great weather weekend for the show, and shoppers were out in droves. Just something about antiquing and fall that go together perfectly. Sales were strong in all categories, and we totally appreciate everyone who came out to support the show.
Next up: Grayslake! Remember that this month will be the popular show within-a-show, Vintage Clothing. I will post the half-off general admission coupon both here and on Facebook Friday. If you need more information about the show, just click the link on our show sidebar to visit the promoter's website. Don't miss it -- it is sure to be the Cat's Meow!! xo
*Technically, this is my cat, Maddie, in the photo! Sorry I don't have a pic of Tink to share. But just ask Joe next time you see him -- there are TONS on his phone. (:
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Join Us This Weekend for KANE COUNTY! Looks like the weather is gonna be fine!!
Need show details? Just click the link in the calendar section to go directly to the promoter's site! Check out our Facebook page Friday for a peek at what we are bringing. xo
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Perfect Day for an Antique Market
Sunday could not have been a more perfect day for the last Allegan (MI) Antique Market of the season. A little nip in the air, lots of sun and wonderful finds everywhere. The show was packed with shoppers all day long, and sales were good across the board. No one category of merchandise dominated. Many thanks to all our excellent Michigan customers -- we will miss you 'til April -- and to our excellent hosts, Dan and CJ Zondervan -- ditto on the missing! Sigh. But the great shopping continues, as we will be ready for Kane's October show this weekend. Check out Facebook page for photos and come see us there. xo
Friday, September 28, 2012
Join us Sunday for Allegan!
Joe and I can hardly believe it is time already for the LAST ALLEGAN of the season! Join us in beautiful west Michigan on Sunday, September 30, for some picture-perfect flea market weather. Nothing like a great market on a beautiful fall day. We have a wonderful load to share -- lots of new furniture, seasonal smalls, containers, graphics and more. Plus tons of handmades. Will post a sneak peek on Facebook. Need more details? Just click the link on our show sidebar to visit the promoter's site. Can't wait! See you there. xo -- Sandy and Joe/rhubarb reign inc
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Strange Obsessions: Office Supplies
For some strange reason, I love office supplies. And office supply stores. Almost as much as hardware and hardware stores. I like to think this is charming and quirky, but it makes me feel better that my BFF Tina shares this dark obsession. So, of course, I was beside myself with excitement when she informed me that Martha Stewart had teamed up with Staples and Avery to do a whole line of office supplies -- two entire rows of cute folders, notebooks, tags and labels. You must go right now and see for yourself! I had a really hard time making up my mind, but settled on what you see here. Can't wait for an excuse to go back...good luck that we are almost out of White-out....xo
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Thanks so much, SoBo!
Joe and I want to say a big THANK YOU to Katie, her staff and customers for making our second annual Harvest Fair at SoBo Style in Columbus, Ohio, such a big success! Everyone really goes out of their way to make us feel welcome. And the weather did its best to cooperate, although we got a little taste of everything. Fall in the Midwest!
Friday got off to kind of a quiet start, but picked up steadily as we got in to the afternoon. Saturday was busy all day; even had some ladies waiting as we reset in the morning before the show started. Sales were good across the board, although somewhat different from last year. Sold more furniture, for instance. Graphics did really well, as did vintage smalls. Will be making notes in anticiapation of next year's event!
Will post some photos later this week on Facebook so you can see what we had inside the shop as well. xo
Friday got off to kind of a quiet start, but picked up steadily as we got in to the afternoon. Saturday was busy all day; even had some ladies waiting as we reset in the morning before the show started. Sales were good across the board, although somewhat different from last year. Sold more furniture, for instance. Graphics did really well, as did vintage smalls. Will be making notes in anticiapation of next year's event!
Will post some photos later this week on Facebook so you can see what we had inside the shop as well. xo
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Join Us This Weekend for SoBo Style's Harvest Fair
If you love vintage, seems like Ohio is the place to be this weekend! Springfield will play host to the Extravaganza. Columbus, the Country Living Fair. And nearest and dearest to our hearts, SoBo Style is holding its second Harvest Fair. That's where we will be setting up -- both inside and outside Katie's shop! We'll have a wonderful selection of original-paint furniture, lots of containers, a whole summer's worth of handmades, seasonal smalls, graphics, drieds and so much more. Not to mention all of Katie's wonderful stuff. So make a weekend of it! SoBo is just 30 minutes from Springfield and only 4 miles from the CL Fair! We can't wait!! Show hours: Friday, September 14, and Saturday, September 15, 10 am to 6 pm. SoBo Style is located at 3282 N. High St.; 614-447-8880. See you there! For a peek at what we are bringing, check out our Facebook page later this week. xo
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Grayslake Preview; Kane Report; Harvest Fair Update
GRAYSLAKE PREVIEW: Joe and I were super excited by last month's record crowd at Grayslake. So with the promise of cooler weather and the popular show-within-a-show, Vintage Advertising, we hope each and everyone of you will be back! We've got some great furniture, awesome smalls, plus a boatload of seasonal projects, graphics and new jewelry displays. Make plans now to join us. Don't forget to print copies of the HALF-OFF coupon on this page, good for general admission, or show it on your phone at the door. If you need more info on the show, click the link on our show sidebar to visit the promoter's site.
KANE REPORT: Holiday weekends can be kind of funny. Between end-of-summer travel, parties and the weather -- you just don't know what to expect. But we were pleasantly surprised by Kane this past Labor Day weekend. There was a good crowd both days, lots of great deals for shoppers and reasonably cooperative weather. Customers did ask about the outside dealer count, which seemed off. Our guess is that travel and weather-worries had an effect on the number of outdoor vendors. However, several times over the summer, there have been record dealer counts (at least since the fairground renovations), so we are assuming this was just a blip, and everyone will be back in October -- especially if the forecast is good. Inside the buildings, however, there were tons of dealers, many with great prices, so I don't think anyone went away empty-handed. Handmades, smalls and graphics we our big sellers for the weekend.
HARVEST FAIR UPDATE: The clock is ticking down! Joe and I have both been trying to complete as many projects as possible over the last few weeks, so we can concentrate on presentation before we have to pack. One of the best things about doing a smaller, themed show is that getting ready is like Christmas -- we start pulling out all of the wonderful finds we have been setting back, and together, they have such an impact!
Plus we get to do some kinds of things that our regular schedule doesn't allow -- sewing, jewelry and much more. Check back next week for more details -- and plan to come and see us:
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
BOOKEND: From the newstand; Allegan Report; Harvest Fair Update
BOOKEND: While I still miss my old pals, Domino and Country Home, there are lots of great newcomers waiting by my reading chair. Jeanne d'Arc Living is a Danish magazine that features page after page of gorgeous shabbiness. Our pal and fellow dealer Susan sells these in her booth, along with a new favorite of mine, Flea Market Style, brought to you by Ki Nassauer, formerly of the Junk Market. While I've heard of Folk, I've never actually purchased a copy 'til now, which I am happy to say looks entirely readable. Secondhand Treasures is actually a loaner from our excellent Grand Rapids pals, fellow dealers and awesome Allegan hosts, Dan and CJ Zondervan. I had seen it at Walgreen's, but could not bring myself to buy it, as there were too many ads for American Pickers! However, I am going to have to go back and get it -- it really has lots of useful info, despite my prejudices! Now I just need a rainy Monday so I can get busy reading!!
ALLEGAN REPORT: Speaking of rainy, Allegan was kind of a mixed bag in the weather department. Saturday was hot and sticky, but reasonably busy for early buy. Sunday was cooler, but dogged by the threat of rain, especially in the afternoon. You could feel the nervous rustle of dealers searching for their phones -- calls were coming in from our Randolph Street (Chicago) colleagues all day about the deluge they were enduring. Smartphone radar makes watching any oncoming storm a constant distraction. About 2:30, dealers were starting to" tidy," i.e. pack discretely, as news spread that the storm had reached our side of the lake. It is kind of a no-win situation for the outside dealers; no one wants to disrupt shoppers, but even with a tent, you don't want your merch getting wet! Showers did break out a couple of times, but thankfully, nothing major. Just as we were taking the tent down about 6, we did get more rain in earnest, but even that didn't last long. All in all, a decent show, with sales mainly in the smalls department. So now it's on to Kane!
HARVEST FAIR: For the past several months, we have been hard at work, getting ready for SoBo Style's Harvest Fair, featuring yours truly -- rhubarb reign! We are in equal parts excited and terrified. The basement storage area is full of fall-themed handmades and smalls, plus we have been stock-piling all the original paint furniture we can find. Stay tuned for details as the show gets closer -- now only 3 more weeks!
ALLEGAN REPORT: Speaking of rainy, Allegan was kind of a mixed bag in the weather department. Saturday was hot and sticky, but reasonably busy for early buy. Sunday was cooler, but dogged by the threat of rain, especially in the afternoon. You could feel the nervous rustle of dealers searching for their phones -- calls were coming in from our Randolph Street (Chicago) colleagues all day about the deluge they were enduring. Smartphone radar makes watching any oncoming storm a constant distraction. About 2:30, dealers were starting to" tidy," i.e. pack discretely, as news spread that the storm had reached our side of the lake. It is kind of a no-win situation for the outside dealers; no one wants to disrupt shoppers, but even with a tent, you don't want your merch getting wet! Showers did break out a couple of times, but thankfully, nothing major. Just as we were taking the tent down about 6, we did get more rain in earnest, but even that didn't last long. All in all, a decent show, with sales mainly in the smalls department. So now it's on to Kane!
HARVEST FAIR: For the past several months, we have been hard at work, getting ready for SoBo Style's Harvest Fair, featuring yours truly -- rhubarb reign! We are in equal parts excited and terrified. The basement storage area is full of fall-themed handmades and smalls, plus we have been stock-piling all the original paint furniture we can find. Stay tuned for details as the show gets closer -- now only 3 more weeks!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Can You Feel It Coming in the Air Tonight?
Excuse me for a sec, while I get all Phil Collins-y on you! But can't you feel the change in the air the last few days? Shorter evenings and later mornings? The occasional nip in the air? It can only mean one thing -- fall is just around the corner. We can't wait! Join us this weekend for the Allegan (MI) Antique Market, where we'll be starting to make the seasonal transition with some great original paint, awesome containers, handmades and more. Details are just a click away on the show sidebar, if you need more information. And be sure to check our Facebook page -- just uploaded photos from yesterday's restock at Midland in Indy. Will have some Allegan preview photos up later this week. Come join us! xo
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
All the news -- quickly!
Just a quick update today! My son Jack helped me reset our booth at Mishawaka Antiques yesterday, in preparation for their special event this Saturday, August 18, in conjunction with Interiors, Etc.'s Portobello Road Market. Don't miss it! For details, check out MA's Facebook page today. Many thanks to all who came out to support the Grayslake Antique Market last weekend. We had a blast -- Zurko's set a new attendance record! The vintage vinyl show really had a party atmosphere, especially Saturday, with live music and all. Next up for us: restocking at Midland, a trip to SoBo in Columbus, Ohio, new etsy listings, and then Allegan. Stay tuned for details, both here and on Facebook. xo
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Join us this weekend for the Grayslake Antique Market at the Lake County (IL) Fairgrounds! As always, print this page for HALF-OFF general admission -- or just show the red coupon on your phone at the door. Click on the link in our show sidebar if you need additional information. And be sure to visit our Facebook page at the end of the week for a peek at what we'll be bringing! And, oh yes, this month's popular show-within-a-show will feature VINTAGE VINYL and all things musical. Will be lots of fun. Don't miss it!
For your form to look well finished, you have to get as much of the fabric off as possible, which is tricky around the metal findings. But it is worth the effort! Separate the sections as far as you can, so you can really reach inside. Needle-nose pliers make the job easier. Expect to spend a couple of hours on this part.
KANE COUNTY REPORT: Well, it was a weird weather weekend, once again! Saturday, the A/C in our building was struggling to keep up with the 112-degree heat index. No lie! And as predicted, there were heavy storms in the afternoon that sent many of the outside folks packing -- literally. We actually lost power in the Main Building from 2:30 on. So there we all were, sweating in the dark! But Sunday was lovely. The outside had filled up again, and the cooler temps brought out lots of shoppers. Many thanks to all who came out to support the show. Sales were strongest in the smalls and handmades, but we did sell some cute pieces of furniture. Yesterday, work started on a new load for our space at Mishawaka Antiques, for Grayslake and for Etsy . Plus we continue to work on our special load for SoBo Style's Harvest Market, coming up in September. Stay tuned for details on everything! xo
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Big Do-ins; BookEnd; Allegan Report
Second, we wanted to say congratulations to our customer pal, Mark Norkaitis, on the opening of his new shop in Naperville, Ill., on August 16. Be sure to stop in and check things out. Mark has a fabulous eye and a wonderful gift for display. We are sure the store -- Room 363 -- will be amazing. You can visit both Katie and Mark by clicking the links on our blog roll!
BOOK END: This book -- Steal Like an Artist --was calling out to me when I was shopping with Jack for a Father's Day gift. (Right, I always find stuff for myself before I find what I am out supposedly looking for! You got me.) But this is actually a great fast read about a subject that comes up often in our corner of the vintage world -- as I am sure it does in any gathering of creatives. The author's premise is that there are no original ideas, but there are right and wrong ways to borrow. Check it out! He also offers lots of good suggestions on furthering your own creativity.
ALLEGAN REPORT: Okay, all summer show weekends should be just like this -- sunny, but not too hot, with a light lake breeze. It could not have been more perfect. What a difference the weather makes. Customers were telling us all day about the stream of cars pouring in the gate. Many thanks to everyone who came out. This was probably the best show we've had all year -- sales were strong across the board! Yippee!! Totally appreciate everyone who came out to support the show. And the good news continues -- found some great things while our treasure trolling both Monday and Tuesday, plus Joe called from the auction to say the buying was going well today. We should be well-stocked for our next go-round -- this weekend's Kane County (Ill.) Flea Market. Be sure to join us there. Can't promise yet about the weather, but our building is now AIR-CONDITIONED! Double yippee!! Check our Facebook page later in the week for a peek at what's coming to Kane. xo
Friday, July 27, 2012
Join Us This Weekend for ALLEGAN!
Come on out and see us -- the weather is gonna be FINE -- low 80s, sunny, who could ask for better!? And we have an AWESOME load planned -- tons of great smalls, wonderful new furniture, handmades and more. Show details are just a click away on our calendar sidebar -- see you Sunday! xo P.S. Check out our Facebook page later today for a peek at what's coming!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
When did this happen? It used to be that the Eiffel Tower was everywhere. And then one day, it was replaced without comment by the Union Jack. Posters, cups, banners, pillows -- suddenly, we can't get enough of its inherent coolness. I always wonder how this happens. Who decides these things? What an interesting occupation that would be. What would you even call yourself? Does someone start these trends or just spot them? Does anyone out there know? Seriously! I need to be enlightened. But in the meantime, I am lovin' it!
And I have to say that the whole Union Jack thing started before the Jubilee and the London Olympics. Maybe it was the "Keep Calm and Carry On" phenom that started the ball rolling:
In any case, I will have my DVR fired up for the Opening Ceremony Friday night. What can England pull off to upstage the Chinese magnificence of the last Olympics? I can't wait to find out! And our little Indiana town will be cheering for one of its own, runner Morgan Uceny. How exciting is that? Go, Mo, Go!
We will be bringing some Union Jack handmades to this weekend's Allegan Antique Market. Hope you can join us -- show details are just a click away on our calendar sidebar. Will be posting some pics on Facebook Friday of what we are bringing, so be sure to check those out, along with the photos of our latest Midland finds. Until then, carry on! xo
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Show Report: Berrien Springs; BookEnd
BOOKEND: Am reading "Wolf Hall" right now, by Hillary Mantel. LOVE IT. All about Henry VIII's early reign and the political intrigue so thick at that time. Have to be awake though, so it is taking me a while. Am constantly referring to the chart in the front of the book to keep all the characters straight. And in the multi-media arena, our AV librarian just recommended the BBC series "Sherlock," which is a modern take on the Sherlock Holmes stories. Lovin' that as well. A word of caution, though. Each episode is 90 minutes, so be sure you don't start if you don't have the full time -- you won't want to quit. And be sure to watch the hilarious BBC America commercial at the beginning. What are you reading and watching on these hot summer nights? Leave a comment and share! xo
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