SURE SIGN OF SUMMER: One sure sign of summer around our office is the arrival of a new straw tote -- nothing better for hauling stuff around once the weather gets warm. Along with the classic macrame fishnet bag, these babies were the original reusable bag! The one in front is our newest arrival -- bought it at Midland when we were in Indy a couple of weeks ago. Noticed on the Terrain website today, that they are selling theirs for close to $200! I have been stock piling them for our awesome client, Used, in Evanston, Ill. Don't want to spend $200 to get yours? -- head up there to see Kellie instead. Tell 'em rhubarb reign sent you!
ALLEGAN REPORT: Many thanks to all who came out to see us at the Allegan (MI) Antique Market on Sunday -- the weather couldn't have been more perfect for an outdoor show. Sales were good across the board, although smalls out-sold big furniture hands down. We also did some great buying. Be sure a visit to Allegan is on your summer calendar. Click the link in our calendar sidebar to visit the promoter's site for more information.
KANE UP NEXT! Check us out on Facebook later this week for more details on next weekend's Kane County Flea Market in St. Charles, Ill. See you there! xo