Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Blaming It on the Heat

BOOKEND: "Leadership 101" by John C. Maxwell

I am generally not much on reading business books. Mentally, I see the value, but they always feel, well like work! However, my husband has been reading this one, and I got intrigued after he shared a few passages with me. Now I am hooked and am planning to order the other three in this series. Just a sample: today's chapter quotes French essayist Jean La Fontaine: "Man is made so that whenever anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish." And I thought -- that's it! Everything about this business is crazy-making, but nothing captures my imagination quite the same way. That's what makes it worth doing. So, what are you reading? Leave a comment and share!

OK, I am blaming it on the heat! I completely forgot to take photos. We were really pretty busy from the get-go, seeing a number of our dealer customers for early buy Saturday. Sunday, the crowds were steady until about 2 p.m. Then I think everyone wilted. Once again, not much big stuff, tons of smalls. So I will go off hunting again this afternoon for Kane. Check back later this week to see what we come up with! And plan to join us in St. Charles next weekend. P.S. Just wanted to give a shout-out to our hosts at Allegan, Dan and CJ Zondervan. The friends you make are definitely another thing that makes up for the craziness! Check out their blog, VanDaff's Interior Design and Antiques, listed on our sidebar, for a look at what "fires their souls."

Just a reminder that this month's show will be SUNDAY ONLY, due to a schedule conflict at the fairgrounds. Stayed tuned for an update. xo


Chenille Cottage said...

How wonderful to see that you have one of John Maxwell's books! He was my pastor over 25 years ago in Lemon Grove, California.
It's a very small world!
Blessings across the pond!

Sandy and Joe/rhubarb reign said...

Wow! I bet he was a great teacher. How lucky. Thanks for visiting and come see us again soon. xo

Chenille Cottage said...

Thank you, Sandy and Joe, for your thoughtful comment on my blog! I so appreciate it!
Your blog is fascinating! I will be back to spend more time just hanging out at your house!
Have a wonderful weekend, my new blogging friends!